Around the World…


Sometimes the rhythm just moves you… and let no one say that Johns Hopkins students don’t know how to get down. What more can I say? If you’d like to see the original choreography check it out.

There are 6 comments in this article:

  1. 17/04/2005Chris Koehn say:

    Now I need to listen to Robot Rock.

  2. 17/04/2005tomas say:

    That’s great, I love that video.

  3. 18/04/2005Dooser say:

    Excellent video. I love this song.

  4. 18/04/2005Mica say:

    I was feeling it, too!

  5. 19/04/2005Leslye say:

    new game, everyone does a choreographed vlog and other add on to the choreography!

  6. 20/04/2005Reese say:

    That’s just sad. Did you hold those people hostage and tell them
    they couldn’t leave until they did a silly dance? It’s the only
    reason why people would do such a thing. 😉