This tool encodes your address into it’s equivalent decimal representation before you post it on any site so that spam bots can’t find it and harvest it for their malicious purposes. Browsers show the address as normal text, but the code is safe.
You know those little icons that show up in the address bar of websites? Well they’re called favicons. Ever wondered how to create one for your site? Well here’s a free online favicon maker.
TRT: 7:39, 33MB
I’m not exactly sure why I thought it would be fun to enter the DC 48 Hour Film Project. Then again, as tired as I am, it’s still difficult to think clearly. But I am recovering. Another full night of sleep should put me back up at full capacity again. So anyway, here’s what I did this weekend. (For those unaware, this film was completely conceived, written, shot, and edited between 7pm Friday and 7pm Sunday. Some of the music was also recorded during this time period.)
I am incredibly indebted to everyone who came out and worked on this project!!!
Part II of my birthday. Part I of my present to myself.
And for the record it’s only a coincidence that I’m an Aries.
Today IS my birthday, and I wanted a few other opinions on the matter…
Sometimes the rhythm just moves you… and let no one say that Johns Hopkins students don’t know how to get down. What more can I say? If you’d like to see the original choreography check it out.
The end of Videoblogging Week 2005 has arrived! Phew! This post is dedicated to a family member who, out of concern for her privacy will remain anonymous.
Day 6! (Happy Birthday Marla. I forgot to call you today.) This post is in honor of headless chickens and fainting goats everywhere.