Squeeze Remix


First Mica taught us to count, then Charlene continued the game. Now it’s my turn … (I like to count in sign language). The rules are that the max video size is 1MB and you incorporate some of the existing material. Enjoy!

There are 9 comments in this article:

  1. 22/12/2004Michael Verdi say:

    That’s just plain cool!

  2. 23/12/2004charlene say:

    I’m soooo happy! Yay!
    I am on my way out the door to Canada for Xmas. What a treat to see that you did this!!!! Happy New Year!
    we’ll do more!

  3. 23/12/2004Shannon say:

    Ok….hmmm. Its coming along nicely I see. I may have to jump in on this one. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick…..thinking.

  4. 23/12/2004Mica say:

    WOW this is turning out great!!!! we look like a party! Thanks for playing, Leslye. This is my fantasy for art making. I made a playlist for it on Me-TV with the keyword 123squeeze.

  5. 27/12/2004Peter say:

    That is brilliant. It’s a party!

  6. 29/12/2004jay dedman say:

    the women in this group are showing everyone how to play togther.

  7. 29/12/2004Yves say:

    This is really fun!

  8. 8/01/2005Cinema Minima say:

    Jay Dedman discovers two new videobloggers
    A couple of really strong videobloggers have arrived and are here to stay , writes Jay Dedman in his blog, Momentshowing .