The Man from Summervale

This year’s entry for the 48 Hour Film Project.
Genre: Thriller/Suspense
Prop: Cheese
Character: Tim Thackery, Mechanic
Dialogue: “I’ve looked and I can’t find it.”

UPDATE: This film is the winner of: Best Musical Score, Best Use of Line of Dialogue, Best Choreography for the 48 Hour Film Project, Hampton Roads, VA

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Raisin Skates

There’s a great new band on the scene and it’s called Raisin Skates.  They’re sort of hardcore, shoegaze, post-punk, anti-hip-hop, alt-folk.  Check out their cover of Outkast’s “Hey Ya” recorded live at Seattle’s Experience Music Project.
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My Daddy is a Baaaaad Man


(a poem)

Daddy - 19??

Huey Newton, sitting in his
bamboo chair
ain’t got nothin’ on my Daddy
his fist in the air
expression saying
Negro pleez
sucka, you ain’t got nothin
on me

and the rifles
count them one, two, three
a hand on each trigger
ready to squeeze

he keeps a sledgehammer
close by
just in case
the cop with the shit eating grin on his face
moves too quick
or blinks too slow
Daddy got it covered

don’t you know I’m just talking
bout a man
who never let The Man
get him down

he ain’t frownin’
that’s just
how his smile looks
see him comin’
better run

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Sister – 48 Hour Film Project 2009


This was a tough year for me for the 48 Hour Film Project. New city, new team, new actors. And to top it all off, I picked the genre horror. Not my favorite. I think we had a good story that was a little too complicated to tell properly in the time allotted. And I had to change some things during filming.

Also, my camera stopped working after about 3 hours of shooting. My theory is that a bug crawled into the tape transport (I’d been flicking them off the camera all morning). That little disaster caused an early lunch while I went home to regroup. Thankfully, a tape cleaning cassette and a little shaking did the trick and we were back on track by the afternoon.

Overall, it was as good a weekend as any. I felt a bit brain dead during the process and I don’t feel like I brought my ‘A’ game, but I had a great team and everyone worked really hard. Enjoy!

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Transformers 2 Review


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a brief message from me


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Cupid, Incorporated


View larger version here.

I’m updating my blog with something old (or maybe new to you) because Jared keeps falling asleep when I want to record a new movie review. (We’ve had some very interesting movie experiences lately). At any rate, with the wedding last year, and living in Norfolk this year, I haven’t done the 48 Hour Film Project in 2 years. I’m hoping to either have a team or at least join a team for the Virginia Beach version, which should be later this summer. Provided, of course, I can round up/meet anyone interested down here. For nostalgia’s sake, here is my last 48 Hour Film (from 2007), for your enjoyment.

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Movie Reviews: Star Trek, Wolverine


Our late night post film wrap ups continue with two of the summer’s latest blockbusters. Summary: skip the mutants, but Star Trek is a must see.

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